Soul meets system




Big four

We advise companies on efficiently and effectively caring for everything brand and build related to achieve growth. Our models for better cooperation between teams and partners do not just come off the shelf. They are rooted in four principles that we live by ourselves — the OH-SO mantra.

Ownership It’s about striving for high levels of personal autonomy, empowerment, and responsibility in every business-relevant context. This idea contrasts with common industrial-era organisations. Ownership promotes a sense of personal investment and accountability in outcomes at every stage.

Heuristic Yes, it sounds complicated, but it is, in fact, about the opposite. Heuristic is the approach to quick problem-solving. It employs a practical method that is not guaranteed to be optimal, perfect, or rational in the first place but still sufficient for reaching an immediate, short-term goal or approximation. It’s all about solid estimation, guided experiments, and generating data. The heuristic take emphasises a culture of argument and debate to resolve issues rather than relying solely on expert opinion or traditionally shaped methods.

Speed Prioritise rapid iteration and execution over extensive planning. Speed is at the heart of digital; it reflects a preference for agility and the ability to adapt quickly to changes or new information. Speed toward the right direction is one key success factor in our world today.

Openness It’s a characteristic feature of all impactful companies because it cultivates sharing information freely and being receptive to debate, re-evaluation, and changes in direction. Openness fosters an environment where people feel safe to speak up to truth, and leaders are open to being corrected and pivoting when necessary.

OH–SO works

These four principals are not just something we want to bring to brands. They are a fundamental part of our culture. We build our own company on O, H, S, and O – so we only advise on what we have proven to work.



Organisational Design

Collaboration Design

Operational Prioritisation

E2E Marketing Concepts


Onsite Consultation

Business Consultation

Change Management

Digital Process Enablement


Collaboration Facilitation

Process Optimisation

Team Health Optimisation

Agile Framework Onboarding

Training & Workshops


Influencer Collaboration

Content Collaboration

Enterprise Platforms


Business Model Validation

Experience Innovation


Reach out

Get in touch with our operations experts directly

We work in streams to get radically connected, yet with clear focus.

The other two


The Brand Stream

What it’s about


The Build Stream

What it’s about

Here we are

Started in Hamburg, continued wherever


Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 83 20355 Hamburg Germany



nám. Winstona Churchilla 1800/2 130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov Czech Republic



Litfaß-Platz 1 10178 Berlin Germany


OH-SO Logo

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© OH-SO 2024